Illuminating Integrity in Lighting

Illuminating Integrity in Lighting

Specifying LED Colors for Horticultural Lighting

When the first high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps were introduced in the late 1960s, they were quickly adopted by commercial greenhouse operators as a means of providing supplemental electric lighting. This made it economically possible to grow vegetables and flowers throughout the year in controlled environments. One disadvantage of HPS lamps...

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Going Green – Lighting Designing for Horticulture

SunTracker Technologies Senior Scientist, Ian Ashdown, will be presenting at the upcoming IES Toronto Section on Feb 17, 2021 “Going Green – Lighting Designing for Horticulture” Synopsis Ian Ashdown, P. Eng. (Ret.), FIES The future of food security in Canada is in greenhouses and vertical farms – controlled environments where unseasonable...

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